Wenn der Open Data-Diskurs zu viel um Anwendungsfälle dreht, kann das zu Probleme für die Bereitstellung von offenen Daten aus Verwaltungen führen. Hier einige Gedanken dazu, basierend auf persönliche Erfahrungen und Nachdenken darüber.
Read MoreAn open data discourse that relies too heavily on use cases can create problems for open data publishing in governmental contexts. Some thoughts based on my personal experiences and reflections over the last few years.
Read MoreFeeling lost when it comes to understanding governmental structures in Berlin? This post offers an introduction to some of the key legislative, executive and administrative entities behind politics and government in Berlin.
Read MoreWhen posed the question what advice I would give current students to prepare themselves for the German job market, I had a somewhat unusual piece of advice: join Twitter.
Read MoreThe German open data and civic tech world suffered a shock to its system two months ago when the website kleineAnfragen.de announced it would cease operations at the end of 2020.
Read MoreWhen I meet people for the first time, I want them to get to know me as, well, me. Not as The Foreigner or The American. Because the second people find out a detail like that, they immediately start adopting preconceived notions of what kind of a person you probably are.
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