Back in July, I wrote a blog post listing out some goals I wanted to achieve during my year in Germany. All of those goals still stand, but I thought it would be fun to set some new goals now that I've gotten more settled here.
Read More"Die Kanzlerin kommt." So spake the numerous posters hanging throughout the city, letting Fuldaers know Angela Merkel would be visiting Fulda on September 19. As soon as I saw the notices, I knew I would be going
Read MoreThe idea of moving to Europe is certainly a lot sexier than the reality of it. This was a Facebook status I posted a few days ago, and I think it captures my first few weeks here accurately. Which isn't to say I'm having a miserable time, but my experience is definitely proof that one does not simply up and move to a new country.
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I was thinking I might start doing some posts that are photos only. We'll see if the idea sticks. Regardless, here are some of my favorite photos from my trips to Madrid and Toledo. You can click each picture to make it bigger.
Read MorePrior to this past year, I had never thought much about the prospect of visiting Spain. For some reason, I've never really been interested in visiting southern European countries, which would seem to put me in the minority of American tourists.
Read MoreOn Thursday, I had the opportunity to visit the school I'll be teaching at for the first time. Technically, I don't have to begin working until Sep. 6, which is the Friday immediately after my orientation in Cologne ends.
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