Posts in Germany - Eastern
Making it in Berlin: My journey toward becoming a Berliner

I recently hit a very important milestone in my move to Berlin: I have finally received my Aufenthaltstitel (residence permit) as well as my working permissions. I am now free to take up gainful employment in Germany! It's been quite the journey since I arrived in Berlin in mid-September. Here is a breakdown of all of the major milestones I had to hit to make it to this point, as well as some tips that could prove helpful if you ever find yourself making a similar move. 

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THE SPREEWALD: An unexpectedly idyllic and lush corner of Germany

Before I returned back to the U.S. to visit my family (where I am now!), I wanted to make one more trip with my boyfriend. We batted around ideas for a bit, trying to decide on something that wouldn't be too expensive or far away but that would still give us a chance to experience something new and special. My boyfriend suggested we consider the Spreewald, and after some quick research, we decided this would be a perfect "last trip" for us. 

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Blissed out in Berlin

When I last visited Berlin in December/January, I didn't feel a lot of pressure to see and do everything in my because I already knew for sure I'd be returning to Berlin in the spring for Fulbright's Berlin Seminar. Last week, I finally got that second opportunity to experience Berlin. 

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DRESDEN: My first trip east

One of the most glaring gaps in my travels in Germany thus far has been how little of eastern Germany I have seen. Despite having made three previous trips to Germany, I never made it farther east than Weimar -- and that was only as a day trip.


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Germany - EasternTori Boeck